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Current Sires

  • Waimea 2021/MTC 5 (Twin)
  • Foot score (as tested by Lincoln University gene marker lab): 1, 1 (2 alleles – one from each parent – with score of 1 being most resistant to footrot and score of 5 being most prone to footrot)
  • Carries one copy of MyoMax gene (also known as T+ muscling  or ‘double muscling’ gene) which increases meat yields. Confirmed by Lincoln University gene marker lab.
  • Average weaning weight of 2023 progeny: 30.7 kg
  • Twin or triplet percentage (2023 progeny): 82%
  • Waimea 2019/WSO 25 (Twin)
  • Foot score (as tested by Lincoln University gene marker lab): 1, 3 (2 alleles – one from each parent – with score of 1 being most resistant to footrot and score of 5 being most prone to footrot)
  • Average weaning weight of 2023 progeny: 30.8 kg
  • Twin or triplet percentage (2023 progeny): 83%
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